31 December 2011

I'm Worth It

It's not uncommon for a girl to think she's not good enough for the world around her. But what is uncommon is the ability to stand up and prove them wrong. That she's not good enough...because she's so much better. 

Becoming a woman doesn't have anything to do with age, or time or beauty. It comes with spirit and grace and confidence. Sure, maybe these things play along together at times but just as with the opposite gender, turning 20 doesn't always mean you aren't a teenager anymore.

I always thought I was a woman because of the things I did or the birthday I celebrated. But now looking back, I was just as naiive at 18 as I was at 16. But that's ok. There's no harm in this. That's what growing up is about. If we were all born with common sense and knew what was best for us, there would be no room for mistakes or re-do's or trials. Although I will never stop learning, the things I have learned up to this point have only come from what I have experienced in the past. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I've never felt maturity like I do now. I'm currently in a missions program in Los Angeles, California and like many of my classmates, I can say it has changed my life. All for the better. And forever.

I originally came into the program with the idea that i was going to get a little out of it, but all in all my name  would be praised. My perception of pride and missions in itself was very confused. 

When I first started my mission and journey here, I had to take a lot of deep breaths to get through. I was nervous, timid, and scared of doing/saying the wrong thing. 

But then I realized something. It isn't about me. It's about the people you're serving. When I started looking at them like friends, I started learning how to 
love with no limits.
dance like no one was watching.
pray in every circumstance.
serve even no one wants us to.
trust that He will keep me safe.

and most importantly..

i found self worth

A lot of times, people say "i found myself." I've been known to say that to. Especially here. But now that i look at it, I was never lost. Just like God was never lost when I "found" Him. I just decided to start actually believing in Him. And I started to believe in myself. 

Your heart doesn't leave your body. You just have to start trusting it. 

Think about it... believing in God is believing in something you can't see. 
Believing in you is trusting in confidence you can't see.

When you learn to love yourself,
not only is it the most freeing feeling in the entire world, but...
you learn to love everyone you come in contact with, with no restraints attached. 

When I came home for Thanksgiving, it clicked with me.

I didn't need to impress anyone.
I didn't need anyone's self pity for my past.
My future is as bright as I make it.

I'm not going to let anyone stop me.

For all my girls, raise your voices. I want to hear you. Loud and clear. Repeat after me:

"I am good enough."
"I am smart enough."
"I am pretty enough."
"I can do it."
"No one stops me, but me."
"I'm going to shine bright in a dark world."

But listen closely now.

Talk is cheap.

I didn't become a woman. I started believing I was one.

Maturity is seen in the eyes, once felt in the heart.


all my love, Whit